OPI stands for Organic Performance Index. The OPI allows you to determine the current organic performance of your website.
General information
The Organic Performance Index (OPI) is located in the project dashboard of the Ryte software and indicates whether your website optimally utilizes its full potential.
The OPI is based on real Google data from the Google Search Console and therefore provides practical tips for optimizing your rankings. Based on this success indicator, various measures can be derived by finding out from the website operator what he is currently doing and where he wants to go.
Use of the OPI in the Ryte software
The OPI graph is based on a self-learning algorithm which pulls applicable experience values and correlations from the entirety of aggregated data. This calculation is used as a basis to provide practical tips for improving the ranking of your website. Due to the constant learning of the algorithm, these tips can be tailored more and more to your needs over time.
The OPI shows how many organic clicks from the search engine would be possible. So the comparison between the OPI and the clicks allows strategic decisions:
A high discrepancy between the OPI and the number of clicks means that the website has rankings, but could get more clicks. This can be achieved, for example, through ranking improvements or more attractive snippets. If the discrepancy between the organic performance index and the number of clicks is very low, it can be assumed that the potential is fully exploited. In this case, it should be attempted to broaden the reach of your website and thus extend its potential by means of new lucrative topics and keywords.
Relevance to Search Engine Optimization
On-page optimization includes many technical, content and structural aspects. These can be analyzed more closely within the crawl results. If you regularly perform a comprehensive on-page analysis of your website, you can discover unutilized potentials and new traffic channels in addition to optimization measures. The OPI helps to assess the current status of your website with regard to on-page optimization.